How Ordinary People Can Make a Difference
Does your heart break when you see a world of hurting people, but you're not sure how to help? Using my twenty years of experience working with wounded people in the inner city, I’ve got stories, Biblical teachings, a little bit of revelation, and some "spiritual" mom's advice that you might find useful. This is the comprehensive, how-to book that I wish I had 20 yrs ago.
This book is NOT just a book that will prove helpful to people who have been through a ministry school or those wanting to start a compassion ministry--It's also for those who just want to help a few hurting people that God brings across their path at work, school or in their community. And would make a good devotional addressing the topic of ministering to "the least of these" because it's loaded with scripture references.
It is a comprehensive book covering a variety of subjects that apply to many areas of our lives as Christians such as:
Overcoming Fear
Faith for Finances
God is a Good Father
Falling in Love with Jesus
Working as a Team
Working with Wounded People
The Power of Forgiveness
Preventing Burnout
What is Kingdom success
Friendship with God
There is also a section with extensive recommended resources to help you delve deeper into the various topics discussed.

Most people I meet want their lives to make an impact for God, but so many struggle to figure out what their calling is or how to get there. If that resonates with you, I highly recommend “Turn Compassion to Action: How Ordinary People Can Make a Difference” by Denise Wendle. Rolland and I moved to Indonesia with $30 in our pockets with no set plans, and God backed us up. You can also love God and love people right where you are. Denise gives fabulous advice for anyone who does not know what do to: just do something! If you feel passionate for children, start volunteering at youth groups, if you feel passionate to end sex trafficking, find an organization working in that area. One of my life messages is to stop for one person every day who God puts in front of you. In this way, everyone can share God’s love and make an impact.
Throughout this book, Denise gives spiritual and practical wisdom from her personal experiences of twenty years working in the inner city as well as the experiences of others in ministry. She also provides worship songs, reflection points, and journaling questions to help you apply what you read to your own walk with God. Get this book and allow God to lead you on new adventures one step at a time!
Heidi G. Baker, PhD
Co-Founder and CEO of Iris Global
This is not a book based upon theories but written by one who has spent years running a non-profit that did what the book is about. I have known Denise for many years and know that she is passionate about helping the marginalized, and that passion comes through in her book. Having seen thirteen years of graduates from our supernatural ministry training school, and how sometimes, those who graduate know how to pray for the sick and demonized, how to prophesy, and minister by the Spirit; don’t know how to run a ministry that ministers to the marginalized on a more wholistic level.
This book is an important “how to” book to help those who want to develop and run a sustained ministry to the poor and needy, broken and marginalized. I encourage anyone who is interested in this type of ministry to purchase, read, and refer back to Turn Compassion to Action: How Ordinary People Can Make a Difference. It is full of practical advice and instruction.
Randy Clark, D. Min.
Overseer of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening, founder of Global Awakening.
I first met Denise when she ran the Center for Champions, a wonderful ministry that she founded and dedicated to inner-city children in Harrisburg, PA. Her new book, Turn Compassion to Action: How Ordinary People Can Make a Difference is an exciting reminder of God's desire to partner with His children to lift up the poor and needy (Psalm 113). If you have been called to step into a hands-on consistent ministry, then this book is a must-read. More than a "how to" book, Denise points to the sustaining grace of the Cross. You will be freshly inspired by faith-building scriptural insights and the practical wisdom that she has learned along the way.
Georgian Banov
President, and Co-Founder of Global Celebration
For those who desire to do Christian ministry-oriented social work, this is an excellent resource for helping to develop the spiritual strength to serve others. Denise writes from the heart in providing practical guidance and wisdom on helping to meet the spiritual and practical needs of populations at risk in an urban setting. She craftily weaves real life stories and personal examples of the successes and challenges of ministry into the pages of this ministry workbook.
Denise provides practical tools and genuine advice and encouragement in helping ordinary people make a difference in the lives of the hurting. This excellent Biblically based resource could be a supplemental reading or classroom workbook to teach social work students how to integrate social work and compassion ministries.
Dr. Charles Seitz
Department Chair and Professor of Social Work, Messiah College
Denise is the real deal! She left her comfort zone and went into the inner-city war zones to fight the destructive forces of hopelessness and poverty. Her profound compassion took her into the deep, establishing an inner-city ministry that continues to change the lives of many. God’s love compelled her. Faith was translated into action. The stories in this book are true and moving. Reading this book, you will be motivated to turn your own passion into reality and given practical advice on how to do it. The best life is one that’s given away to set others free!
Charles Stock
Life Center Ministries International, Harrisburg, PA-Denise’s Pastor!
Denise Wendle has written a loving and challenging book. Loving because it is not preachy or patronizing but full of empathy and humanity. Challenging because it asks us to face up to our excuses and fears and lack of the kind of responsible commitment that leads to action.
Denise speaks from many years of experience as a wife, mother, counsellor and pioneer and comes across with authenticity. I recommend this book for those who are committed to living a Biblical lifestyle and are prepared to actually do something rather than talking about doing something.
Andrew Shearman
Founder of G 42 Leadership Academy, pastor, inspirational speaker
Denise H Wendle, MSW- For twenty years Denise helped inner city children, teens and their families gain resilience, learn about God's Father heart of love, and much more. Sixteen of those years included the ministry she co-founded in 1998, Center for Champions in Harrisburg, Pa. They provided daily after school programs, home visits and parenting outreaches.
Denise is a licensed minister, an elder at her church, Life Center Ministries International and has completed several ministry school programs with: Global Celebration, Global Awakening and others. She received her Masters of Social Work from Univ. of N.C. She resides in State College, PA and enjoys her roles as teacher/mentor, wife, mother and Nana to her six grandchildren.

"The more love I felt for the people in the inner city, the less afraid I became."